
Asbestos: The analysts guide for sampling, analysis and clearance procedures

Guidance covering licensed asbestos removal and the sampling of asbestos-containing materials. Addressed to asbestos analysts and consultants, occupational hygienists, safety officers and other technicians. Also useful to asbestos removal contractors and supervisors, plus employers, building owners and property and estate management. With details of the revised analytical method for evaluation of fibres in air, (amendments to the European Worker Protection Directive, implemented in 2006, replaced the European Reference Method MDHS39/4 with the World Health Organisation standard). In addition to general issues, such as training needs and protective equipment, there are detailed considerations of precision matters such as sampling/analysis and decontamination procedures. Glossary of industry acronyms included. HSG 248 is due for revision late in 2013 to take into account the proposed combining of L127 & L143.